Sunday, 27 May 2012

Are men becoming women?

Got to love the rollercoaster ride dating puts you on.

Lately the men I have been meeting have been a joke. To put it lightly.

I’m confused by the types of guys I meet, you get the clingy ones (which generally p*ss me off, so I write those off very quickly), or the nice guy (but too nice – there’s a fine line), the playas (which to me automatically becomes a challenge to play the playa, I generally succeed :P), the complete a**holes, I try give them a run for their money for a good laugh.

However regardless of the type of male, I have come to realise lately that men are becoming more like women, and women are becoming men.

The problem the men make with me is assume I am their girlfriend. I am no one’s girlfriend. There’s a reason I am not in a relationship. So no, I don’t have to answer to you, or let you know where I am or who I’m with. And if I am with another guy, you’re not allowed to get upset with me either – obviously jealousy may set in, but I make it very clear in the beginning with any guy I meet that he must not, I repeat MUST NOT have any expectations of me, so your little issues are not my problem. Do not assume I am going to date you, kiss you, or even see you. And yes I am busy, I’m sorry I cannot fit you into my busy schedule.

With all this said? The emotions come pouring out. And I’m left wondering wtf happened to testosterone. My personal opinion? It has disappeared and isn’t coming back.

Many times I have been called a cold heartless b*tch. But to be honest and fair here, I am not living my life to look after others people’s feelings. It is simple, I state perfectly from the beginning the following two things: Do not have any expectations of me, and do not fall for me - so I really do not see a problem here, or feel bad if a guy falls for me and I do not return the same feelings. I play and set the cards out from the word go, so whatever happens there after has nothing to do with me.

So with all this said? I have ‘women’ moaning and complaining at me 24/7.

We can all understand the demands work can have right? So yeah there won’t be days I will talk to you, don’t look into it or analyse it, I am not ignoring you, I swear. Yet, I still get the treatment of a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. I mean seriously? I don’t have time for this.

There is nothing worse than a guy showing insecurity issues. There’s obviously a reason I am talking to you, don’t fish for compliments all the bloody time. You’re not going to get them.

See how harsh I am, and how soft men are? Things are seriously changing!

Last week I had a total of 3 dates in one week – and not ONE of them have caught my attention, is something wrong with me? Or am I just over men and their nonsense? I’ll choose the latter thanks.

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