Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Bumpy Road

I don’t even know where to start. Let’s see, work is playing heavily on my motivation to get up and even show my face.

How I am still working here 3 years down the line beats me. Solution: Look for a new job. I preferably want a job in CT now, I did ask for a transfer there with the current job I’m at about 2 years ago, think they gave it thought? Well I guess they did, they just didn’t want to give me up in the current position I’m in. Okay so yes I feel valuable, but this isn’t about them *serious look*

Hmm where else am I being screwed? Ah yes friends. Why do friends exceed their limitations with me? Don’t push me. I will do anything for a friend if and when they need help, but my goodness don’t take my whole freaken arm when I’ve given you just my hand. Taking advantage doesn’t sit well with me, especially when I have offered you only kindness and help and consideration. Plus, these are friends I have given a second chance. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I obviously won’t be making the same mistake a third time round. I don’t take lightly to being made an idiot out of.

I think I just had a light bulb moment.

That statement I just said has been a huge impact on my life as of late. With regards to friends and men.

But seriously, why is it people take advantage of the good we show them?

Yet we stick around the idiots that have no value in our lives?

The friends that stab you in the back, the men that hurt you time and time again.

*sigh* I think most of the problem is ourselves right? For letting it happen? Does this mean I should stop being nice?

Life has the constant disappointments from the people we expect it from the least. Constant hurting, the feeling of being let down, the feeling of being used. It never ends does it?

The same lies with my history of men. For those of you who don’t know I lost a very dear person that still is close to my heart, 2 and a half years ago (my boyfriend at the time had commit suicide), and I know I have had my ups and downs regarding it, but I do believe I am over it. Well, over it in the sense that time does heal all wounds. Technically I don’t think anyone ever gets over something like that, you just learn how to deal with it better. Anyways, back to what I was saying, so yeah, in the past 2 and a half years I have yet to find my prince charming. And I think I have perfected the art of dating in the interim haha, true story!

I can tell the playa’s from the psycho’s. The clingy ones from the complete broken ones who won’t let you a meter closer to their heart. Men are just as crazy as woman out there…

I do believe that, it is because of the people we have met in our lives that make us who we are today, whether they hurt us or made us incredibly happy. In essence, we learn, and grow, and form the person we currently are today.

And everything happens for a reason. So I must learn from this and move on…

I love how writing does the light bulb moment thingy J

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